Guiltless Gourmet's All Natural Chili Lime Tortilla Chips


Can chips really be guiltless or is that just a silly oxymoron? I recently purchased a bag of Guiltless Gourmet's all natural Chili lime chips the other day because I wanted something crunchy and spicy that wouldn't leave me with that heavy greasey feeling in my stomach that you may get from a few too many kettle cooked chips.

I'm going to put these chips in the enjoyable category. They weren't mind numbingly addictive to the point where your hand is subconsciously reaching into the bag but they had a real spicy kick with a slight cornmeal-y crunch like most tortilla chips do. A healthy sized serving of about 18 chips clocked in at 120 or so calories and the size of each chip was pretty much the same as a regular dorito. So if you can stop at one serving than I suppose they really are guitless. You can consider this snackaholic guilty of finishing the entire bag. The chili lime flavour definitely passed the test.  I'd like to true the spicy black bean flavour or the spinach and artichoke parmesan next time I'm in the mood for chips.


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