Annie's Graham Bunnies


There's something really comforting to me about anything "graham." 

Probably because they remind me of those digestives cookies I had as a kid.  Anyways,  Annie's (organic) graham bunnies were a total win.  Small. bunny shaped. uncomplicated.  comforting and plain yummy.  They have a slight sweetness (not overly sweet) with graham-yness coming through at the end of each bite.  They're yummy plain but I also tossed them into my yogurt for some added crunch factor.  They were a tad on the pricey side for a snack item but nutritionally I would say that it's worth the little bit extra.  80 g of whole grain per serving, no cholesterol, and no saturated fat. win. win. win.  I kinda felt like a kid eating these but sometimes kid snacks are just better!  Not gonna lie.  Couldn't keep my hand out of the box.  I'm kinda glad I'm out.  If I buy another box, I'll have to prepackaged these into individual bags so they last me a little while longer.


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